The correct answer is: B. A study of the types and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in small rural towns in a mid-western state.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a topic that has had stigma, negative stereotypes and other negative connotations attached to it throughout history. If a study investigated the types and prevalence of STIs in small rural towns in a mid-western state, along with stigmatizing participants in the study, the results of this study could also potentially stigmatize residents of these towns by extrapolating claims such as "town X in this mid-western state has high prevalence of various types of STIs". These claims might make it seem like the presence of STIs is high in a given rural town (when this in fact might be untrue), especially considering the town is small in size. In this way, a study that investigates the types and prevalence of STIs in small rural towns in a mid-western state could produce harm to members of the sampled population who do not actually participate in the research study.