
You have just witnessed an automobile accident in front of your house. What must you consider before offering your assistance? What information will you provide to the emergency dispatcher? If you choose to assist any of the injured clients, what should you do?

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You must consider if you are putting yourself in danger by assisting them and the information you should provide first is where you are located what you seen happen you should ask them if you should do anything to help ?
Step number one, stay calm. This may seem obvious but rushing into a dangerous situation without a plan can do no one any good.
Step two, call 911
Step three, approach the scene. If it is safe to do so. Do NOT move the victim. Head, back, and neck injuries are common with crashes and you could cause more harm than good.
Step four, reassure the victims. Tell them they’re ok and help is on the way. Ask them not to move. Then wait for help to arrive.
Also, the only time you should ever move a victim is if you have medical training or there is a risk of further danger, such as a fire, explosion, or further crashes.