Should businesses generally refuse to hire any job applicant who has been convicted of a crime?Yes; hiring convicted criminals increases the risk that serious offenses will be committed against customers and employees. Argument Strong/WeakNo; convicted criminals often turn into model employees and citizens as a result of the punishment they receive. Argument weakExpert Answer

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Explanation: Here, it is possibly debatable as the decision would depend and differ due to the various factors like the past records of the applicant prior to the crime, sense of realization, his evolution after the crime etc. If they are refused to be hired everywhere it may lead to the destruction of not merely their future and career but may also result in their falling into depression and leading to committing of another crime. If they are given jobs then there too there are equal chances of turning them into model employees in order to nullify the effects of their previous criminal acts or getting back to their previous criminal nature and commission of another crime. It is quite a situation of dilemma which could be solved by using the personal history of the candidate prior to hiring and even after that it is essential to keep a check onto his/her activities at the workplace.