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Trade wind
Wind is a concept that has its etymological root in the Latin language: ventus. It is the air flow that is generated in the atmosphere for reasons of nature.
According to its characteristics, it is possible to classify the winds in a different way. Trade winds are those that blow between the tropics. These winds start from high-pressure subtropical areas towards low-pressure equatorial regions: by the rotation of the planet, trade winds are diverted westward by the Coriolis effect.
Deserts in regions of trade winds
They are usually located on the western edges of continents near the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. A coastal desert is that of Atacama in Chile, which is the driest desert on Earth.
They are areas with an annual rainfall of 100 to 200 mm and an average temperature of the warmest month below 10ºC. The largest of these polar deserts is for example Nival, it is located in the interior areas of Antarctica.
Monsoon (word derived from Arabic that means weather station) refers to a system of seasonal winds. Monsoons develop as a result of temperature variations between continents and oceans.