100 items need to be counted each day.
Of the 6,800 items, 544 are A items (0.08 * 6,800), 2,244 are B items (0.33 * 6,800) and 4,012 are C items (0.59 * 6,800). If you want to count every day the same number of items, you have to divide the number of items A, B and C for the days between being counted twice. So, if you have to count each day a number of items A, the amount is 544/19 working days, that is 28.6315789. The same with B (2,244/60 = 37.4) and with C (4,012/118 = 34). Each day, you have to count 28.63 A plus 37.4 B plus 34 C. 28.63+37.4+34=100.03.