Make the correct match. 1. During the ______, the writings and art of Ancient Greeks were rediscovered. relief 2. ______ is the study of religious faith, practice and experience. paper 3. Renaissance thinkers promoted _______, individualism, and secularism. Renaissance 4. _______ is the idea that people should be more interested in advancing their lives on earth than in worrying about getting to heaven. Secularism 5. _____ is the birthplace of the Renaissance. printing press 6. Dissatisfied with the church, Martin Luther started the ____ Reformation. mapmaking 7. Martin Luther made use of the _____ to allow people to study the bible for themselves. humanism 8. New advances in _____ helped explorers travel the world. Theology 9. During the Renaissance, _____ was made from cotton and linen rags mashed into a pulp. Protestant 10. To make a print, Renaissance artists first carved a ____ into a surface such as wood. Italy