Respuesta :

Lets say you have 9 apples, and you want to equally share it between 3 people - how would you work that out?

-You would divide the number of apples (10) by the number of people (2)

So each person would get: 15 ÷ 3 = 5 apples.

So now lets swap out the number of apples with amount of money, and lets swap out the number of people with number of tickets.

We have $1,008 shared equally between 24 tickets. So to see how much each tick costs, we divide amount of money by number of tickets.

(just like the example with the apples!)

So each ticket costs:

1,008 ÷ 24 = $42


Now lets you have 15 apples, and you want to share it out fully in lots of 3. How many people do you share it out with?

To work that out, you divide the total number of apples (15) by the amount of apples per person (3) .


amount of people = 15 ÷ 3 = 5 people  

-Now lets replace the total number of apples with total money spent ($1,176).

-And lets replace amount per person with amount per ticket ($42)

-And instead of how many people, we will work out how many tickets

So number of tickets = 1,176 ÷ 42 = 28 tickets



Each ticket costs: $42

Lori's class bought: 28 tickets


If there is anything you don't understand, ask below and I'll be more than happy to help!