The properties of a mixture are typically averages of theproperties of its components. The properties of a compound maydiffer dramatically from the properties of the elements thatcombine to produce the compound. For each process describedbelow, state whether the material being discussed is most likely amixture or a compound, and state whether the process is a chemicalchange or a physical change.
(A) An orange liquid is distiled, resulting inthe collection of a yellow liquid and and a red solid.
(B) A colorless, crystalline solid isdecomposed, yielding a pale yellow-green gas and a soft, shinymetal.
(C) A cup of tea becomes sweeter is sugar isadded to it.

Respuesta :



(A) Mixture; physical; (B) compound; chemical; (C) mixture; physical


(A) Orange liquid

Mixture — Red solid dissolved in yellow liquid gives orange solution

Physical change — separated by distillation with no change to the substances

(B) Crystalline solid

Compound — decomposition converts a substance into two or more different substances with different properties.

Chemical change — new substances formed.

(C) Cup of tea

Mixture — sugar is dissolved in the tea

Physical change — the tea and sugar retain their original properties.