Respuesta :

Explanation:  Daylight saving time is a clock shift by one hour during the spring and summer months. The practical result is that daylight lasts longer  one hour during the early evening, although the sun rises later in the morning.  The main reason is the economic nature and savings.

The first who propose this change and daylight saving time,  was George Hudson in 1895. Subsequently, Austria Hungary and Germany organized a clock shift in 1916. An Act to preserve daylight  was then passed in America in 1918, which stipulates that daylight saving time begins on March 31, 1918. The organization of daylight saving time was then gradually introduced by many countries, most notably the practice introduced in the 1970's. The effect of this change is not the same in all states and depends on the position of the state on planet Earth. Thus, countries near the equator do not have a significant effect on this savings, so they do not apply it. The countries of Africa and Asia generally do not apply this savings measure.