Along which of the following plate boundaries are earthquakes generated?

Choose all possible correct answers. You will lose points for correct answers missed and incorrect answers chosen.

Ocean-Ocean Divergent

Continent-Continent Transform

Continent-Continent Covergent

Continent-Ocean Convergent

Ocean-Ocean Transform

Continent-Ocean Convergent

Continent-Continent Divergent

Respuesta :


Ocean-Ocean Divergent

Continent-Continent Transform

Continent-Continent Convergent

Continent-Ocean Convergent

Ocean-Ocean Transform

Continent-Ocean Convergent

Continent-Continent Divergent


The above all sites are possible to generate earthquake . The divergent boundary whether it is Continent-Continent or Ocean-Ocean can generate shallow earthquake although it's very weak . The transform plate boundary or strike slip plate motion also generate shallow but powerful earthquake ( example: San Andres Fault is a transform plate boundary) . Another one is convergent boundary which can generate deep and very powerful earthquake .