Put the following words in the correct order.

Appelle moi quand tu arrives chez toi.
Call me when you arrive home (at your home)
tips to understand :
"Appelle" had a capital letter, so it's first.
"Appelle" is imperative tense.
moi = me (pronoun) means "call me"
quand = when
tu + arrives = you know that with "tu" (2nd person singular; informal you) the following verb must have an "s". So there's only one verb with an "s".
chez = to
toi = you (pronoun)
chez moi = at my place, my house
chez toi = at your place, your house
hope this helps ☺☺☺
Bonjour !
Put the following words in the correct order.
Appelle moi quand tu arrives chez toi.