. Which of the following is NOT an option for increasinghard drive storage space?

A. Install an additional internal harddrive.

B. Install an additional memory card to thecurrent hard drive.

C. Purchase an external harddrive.

D. Replace the current hard drive with ahigher-capacity drive.

Respuesta :

Answer: B) Install an addition memory card to the current drive

Explanation: Drive  storage space is space that has particular capacity to store files and data. If the storage reaches the capacity,it turns out that more space is required for the data storage. The hard drive is a major storage space in a system with large capacity. So, if it gets full, there are various ways it could be increased such as replacing it with other internal hard drive, external hard drive etc.

But installation of the memory card is not the solution for increasing the space because they don't have very large space and can only support small devices.