DFS Algorithm stands for Depth First Search.
BFS Algorithm stands for Breadth First Search.
DFS stands for Depth First Search. In DFS, starting from the root node all the elements are scanned following one of the branches of the tree till it finds the desired element, if it hits the leaf node then the nearest ancestor is searched and son on.
BFS Algorithm stands for Breadth First Search. In BFS algorithm, starting from the root node all the vertices at the next level are scanned from left to right. That means, starting from the root node, all the level 1 nodes are searched from left to right and then all the level 2 nodes are searched and so on till the finding the desired node.
Both DFS and BFS are advantageous in their own way. However, the memory required for BFS is high when compared to DFS. This is because BFS has to keep track of the pointers of child nodes. If the element that we are searching lies at the end of the graph DFS is faster. If the element that we are searching lies at the top of the graph BFS is faster.