Researchers have usually found that ________.

A. females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males
B. males score higher on tests of verbal ability than females
C. there is no difference between males and females on tests of verbal ability
D. verbal ability differences between males and females are due to differences in TV viewing

Respuesta :

Answer: A)  females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males


 As, females score higher on tests than verbal ability as compared to men. According to the research females has higher or better memory than males and performed good memory measure in terms of fluency, accuracy and speed in logical and the mathematical abilities. Female's test score are more consistent and good as compared to males.


A. females score higher on tests of verbal ability than males.


Research has shown that females tend to score higher on tests of verbal ability, than males. On the other hand, men tend to do slightly better when it comes to visuospatial skills. However, what reseach has been unable to prove is whether these differences are innate, or whether they are the result of socialization and cultural biases.