Respuesta :


The c++ program using for loop is given below.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int sq, i;    








   return 0;    



The c++ program using do-while loop is given below.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int sq, i=200;    









   return 0;



The c++ program using while loop is given below.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int sq, i=200;    









   return 0;




Integer  Square

200  40000

190  36100

180  32400

170  28900

160  25600

150  22500

140  19600

130  16900

120  14400

110  12100

100  10000

90  8100

80  6400

70  4900

60  3600

50  2500


The integer variables sq and i are declared to hold the square and the integer respectively. The square of an integer is also a square hence, it is also declared as integer and not float.

The variable i is initialized to 200 as required by the question. All the three loops continue till value of i reaches 50. Once, the value goes below 50, loop is discontinued.

In for loop initialization, condition and decrement, all are done simultaneously.


In do-while and while loops, variable declaration and initialization are done simultaneously. The condition and decrement logic is contained within the loop.

This loop executes once irrespective whether the condition is satisfied or not. From the second execution onwards, the condition is taken into account.








The while loop is similar to do-while loop except that the while loop executes only if the condition is satisfied.

The output for all the three loops is the same hence, output is shown only once.