
Tomás missed his friend Franco terribly. He meant to call him after the band competition in Spain, but he knew that Franco would be busy with basketball camp. The time difference was another problem. With Tomás in Europe all summer and Franco in the U.S., there was always a time difference of at least eight hours. While one was awake, the other was sleeping. On many nights, Tomás would tap the valves of his trumpet, playing in his head a song from his childhood. Just thinking about the song made him feel like he was surrounded by friends and family.
Franco’s summer seemed like it would never end. He stayed so busy that he didn't have time to miss Tomás. He was planning his sixteenth birthday party when he found out that he would have to spend the last weeks of the summer with his father in Bakersfield. This meant that he wouldn’t be able to pick up Tomás at the airport like they had planned. It also messed up his plans for his back-to-school birthday party.
He had to call all of his friends to let them know of the party's new location. That's when it hit him. He could make the party a welcome back/birthday party, and Tomás would be totally surprised. He called Tomás' brother, Andrew, and made him promise not to say anything to Tomás.
Tomás was shocked to see Andrew and not Franco when he got off the plane in Fresno. He couldn't believe that Franco would leave him high and dry like that. He knew that they hadn't spoken for most of the summer, but he had assumed that Franco and he were still best friends.
When Tomás and Andrew arrived in Bakersfield, Tomás was confused and angry. He looked at Andrew and said, "Can't we just go home? I'm exhausted."
"Not yet, I need to pick up something from this friend of mine," Andrew said as he coaxed Tomás out of the car.
Tomás followed Andrew into a dark alleyway and to the gate of a backyard. As Andrew opened the gate and nudged him through, the sounds of cheers and music jolted Tomás awake. "Surprise!" a group of people screamed. As he looked around, he saw many familiar faces and, finally, a giant banner that read "Welcome Home, Tomás! . . . and Happy 16th Franco!" Then, he saw Franco. Tomás felt like he was home.

Franco changes the location of his birthday party because
he wants to make sure his friend Tomás comes to the party.
his father will not let him drive all the way to Bakersfield.
he has to spend the end of the summer at his dad's house.
his mother will not let him have the party at her house.