max is at (-.49, 3.63)
min is at (1.37, -6.01)
Step-by-step explanation:
When you get into calculus, this will be way easier to figure analytically, but I'm guessing you're in Algebra 2 since I taught it this way to my Algebra 2 students. Calculus is easier than this.
Use your calculator to graph the function. Once it is graphed, hit "2nd" then "trace" then "maximum" which is usually #4. You will see a blinking cursor somewhere on the curve. Use the arrow buttons to move the cursor JUST over the max point and to the immediate left of it. Hit "enter". Then use the other arrow button to move the cursor again JUST over the max to the immediate right of it and hit enter again. Hit "enter" one more time and you will see the word "Maximum" and the x and y values of that max point. From that screen, again hit "2nd" then "trace" then "minimum" which is usually #3. Do the same again with the cursor and the buttons and you'll get the min values.
Again, calculus is way easier for finding max and min values and where the function increases and decreases, but you'll have to wait a bit.
Either way, learn how your calculator does WAY WAY more than you'd ever think imaginable!