Cliff has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Currently, he is very optimistic about his life. Even though he is only sleeping three hours a night, he is very energetic. He has turned his basement into a workshop where he plans to mass produce his new “banana computer” that will revolutionize the computer market. Cliff is experiencing a(n) _____ episode.

Respuesta :


Cliff is experiencing a manic episode.


The bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized for having depressive and manic episodes with periods of normal mood and energy in between. When a person with this condition is having a depressive episode, they tend to experience a loss of interest in almost all activities, a depressed mood, a loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, excessive guilt, insomnia or sleeping too much, among others.

A manic episode, on the other hand, is characterized for extreme elation, high energy and sleeplessness, the individual also feels more confident about their abilities or ideas, more adventurous, optimistic, and sometimes irritable and aggressive. Cliff exhibits most of these characteristics: he is being optimistic, only sleeps for three hours at night, has high levels of energy and is eagerly working in something that he is sure will work: his “banana computer” will revolutionize the computer market!