
In Act II of Julius Caesar, what does Brutus mean when he says, “And therefore think him as a serpent's egg, Which, hatched, would, as his kind, grow mischievous.”? Antony will grow to become a mischievous but effective ruler. Cassius should be destroyed before he becomes dangerous. Caesar might not be dangerous now, but he will in the future. Decius is serpent-like and therefore he cannot be trusted.

Respuesta :


Cesar might not be dangerous now but he will in the future


The third option


The conspiration against Caesar takes its origin in the great ambititious nature of Caesar. They are convinced that the sake of Rome is in danger due to his lack of honor and high corruption. The idea of a "serpent's egg" that could grow "mischievous" refers to the possible threat that a bad ruler might represent. Accordingly, the conspirators consider the action of taking Caesar's life as the only option to protect Rome.