Respuesta :



using namespace std;

//create the exchange function

void exchange(int a, int b){

   int temp;  //initialize temporary

   //swap the variables value




   //print the output after exchange

   cout<<"a is: "<<a<<endl;

   cout<<"b is: "<<b<<endl;


//main function program start from here

int main(){


  int a=3, b=6;

  exchange(a,b);  //calling the function

  return 0;



Create the function exchange with two integer parameter which takes the value from the calling function.

and then declare the third variable temp with is used for swapping the value between two variables.

first store the value of 'a' in the temp and then assign the 'b' value to 'a' and then, assign the temp value to b.

for example;

a=2, b=9




So, the values are swap.  

and then print the swap values.

Create the main function and define the input a and b with values.

Then, calling the exchange function with two arguments.