Respuesta :


The errors in the loop condition such that it is not giving desired results or it is not running accordingly.There are different types of loop errors which are as following:-

1.Infinite loop:-When the is not able to stop then the error is called infinite loop. for ex:-

int i=1;



cout<<"I am King"<<endl;



2.Off by one error:-This error mostly happens in loop for arrays as indexing of the array is from 0 to size-1 .So looping over the array up to the size is a off by one error.

3.Equality v/s assignment operator error:-In this error the condition in the loop is like this d=f which is wrong since = is assignment operator it assigns the value of f to d while d==f checks that the value of d and f are equal or not.

4.&& v/s || loop error:- In this error we use and operator (&&) instead of or operator (||) and vice versa.

symptoms of loop errors are not the desired output.