Think about messages you have received about drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. These could be from peers, family, media, school, or other sources. (9 points) Briefly describe a message that you have seen related to the abuse of these substances. Does this message attempt to influence you to abuse or refuse the substance? Analyze how this message supports or contradicts what is scientifically known about the abuse of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.

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possible answer:

i saw a video of a women who had ben smoking for 30 year, she had been diagnosed with lung cancerand was told she only had 3 months to live.

this message influences me to refuse cigars.

the message supports fact because it is well known that you can get cancer from smoking.

Drugs can mess up your life so easily, at first it might just be for fun but then you start to get addicted and your waiting all your money then your dealing and then you can end up going to jail for dealing illegally and it can all ruin your life