Given the function definition below, what is the effect of thecall:
change(ar, 0, n-1);
where n is the size of array ar?
void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh)

if(low< high)
temp= ar[low];
ar[low]= ar[high];
ar[high]= temp;
change(ar,low + 1, high - 1);
A. Sort the first n elements of ar inascending order
B. Reverse the first n elements of ar
C. Switch the first and last elements ofar
D. Sort the first and last elements ofar
E. None of the above

Respuesta :



The correct answer is E.


void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh)  {  

 int temp;

 if(low< high)  {  // here ask if the positions low and high of the array are the same.

  temp= ar[low];  // first, saves the element on ar[low] in temp.

  ar[low]= ar[high];  // second, the element on ar[high] in ar[low]. First switch.

  ar[high]= temp;  // third, saves the element on temp in ar[high]. Complete switch.

  change(ar,low + 1, high - 1);  // Recursive call, adding one position to low, and subtracting one position to high. Important: When low and high have the same value, the recursive call will finish.



Result: Switch the lower half of elements in the array with the upper half.


The correct answer is E.
