Respuesta :

Structured Language Query ( SQL ) query helps retrieving the data by using its SELECT keyword which specifies the table name to select while retrieving data.

By using where clause you can filter data as well. Also it has aggregate functions to help development like sum() function. And it can format the data to be displayed as well.

A Structured query has clauses to retrieve data, filter those to get the desired output.

Select clause --> specifies the list column(s) that need to be selected and displayed

From clause--> contains the table(s) from which the data needs to be fetched

Where clause--> this contains the condition or the filter that needs to be made on the retrieved data before display

Group by --> to display data with sub-total, grand total or any grouping related activities

Having-->this is similar to where clause but this works on grouping.

Order by --> to sort the filtered data in ascending (asc) or descending(desc) order.