The answer to the question: What is the ICD-10-CM code for Diverticulitis of sigmoid colon, as of 2018, would be: K57.32
The ICD-10-CM classification, is a system that is used to unify and codify diagnosis, procedures and signs and symptoms, so that healthcare professionals can identify them easily, and also so that the healthcare system, including healthcare insurance companies, and other agencies, may have a common language when it comes to talking about diseases, procedures and signs and symptoms. This code was preceded by the ICD-9-CM and both were born from the Classification of Diseases created by the WHO (World Health Organization). Today, the ICD-10-CM coding system is the one used in the United States, and the code given to Diverticulitis of the large intestine without perforation or abscess without bleeding, including Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon is, as of 2018 and still accepted in 2019, K57.32.