
your own words explain how The fourth amendment helps protect the people from the government abusing their power.

Respuesta :

ANSWER: The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution | Bill of Rights basically states "No person or property shall be unreasonably searched or seized", that is not the actual Fourth Amend. definition, but you know what I mean.

Anyways, the 4A (Fourth Amendment) protects people from Unconstitutional searches and seizures unless they have probable cause, you have committed a crime in front of them, or they have a Warrant of some sort. Although many Government Officials and Law Enforcement Officials still abuse their power by going against the 4A, they can get in loads of trouble later down the road for doing so. This is why the 4A is put into place. Think of it like a Protection Order, they can not do anything to you since the Protection Order is there, however, if you act stupid and commit a crime or have an active warrant, that Protection Order wont protect you from them in that instance.

EXPLANATION: I study the USC and USC: BoR on my free time, took legal classes as High School Elective courses, and im a Law Enforcement Explorer and we must know the Constitution.