In the following passage written by a conquistador in 1540, what can you infer about how sick citizens were treated? “No one who was lazy or tried to live by the work of others was tolerated; everyone had to work. Thus on certain days each lord went to his lands and took the plow in hand and cultivated the earth, and did other things. Even the Incas themselves did this to set an example. And under their system there was none such in all the kingdom, for, if he had his health, he worked and lacked for nothing; and if he was ill, he received what he needed from the storehouses. And no rich man could deck himself out in more finery than the poor, or wear different clothing, except the rulers and the headmen, who, to maintain their dignity, were allowed great freedom and privilege.”

The sick and invalid members of society were generally sacrificed to the gods.

The sick and invalid members of society were expected to contribute to the storehouses.

The sick and invalid members of society were cared for by the healthy citizens.

The sick and invalid members of society were decked out in fine jewels.

Respuesta :


The sick and invalid members of society were cared for by the healthy citizens


From this passage, we get a simple very nice picture about the basics of how the Inca society worked. Everyone that was capable of working was working, and everyone was treated in the same manner, had the same rights, and the hierarchy was somewhat horizontal. The members of the society that had health problems or were disabled, thus were not able to work, were taken care by the other members of the society, and they were receiving the basic means for living for free from the storehouses.


C - The sick and invalid members of society were cared for by the healthy citizens
