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An example of a numerical majority being treated as a subordinate group is that of blacks under apartheid in South Africa.
Apartheid was a regime of racial segregation implemented in South Africa in 1948 by Protestant pastor Daniel François Malan - then prime minister - and adopted until 1994 by successive National Party governments, in which the rights of the majority of the inhabitants were curtailed by the white minority in power, which constituted just 21% of South African population.
Racial segregation in South Africa began even in the colonial period, but apartheid was introduced as official policy after the general elections of 1948. The new legislation divided the inhabitants into racial groups ("black", "white", "colored" "and" Indian "), segregating residential areas, often through forced removals. From the late 1970s, blacks were deprived of their citizenship, legally becoming citizens of one of the ten autonomous tribal homelands called bantustans. At that time, the government had already segregated health, education and other public services, providing blacks with inferior services to those of whites.
Apartheid brought violence and a significant internal resistance movement, as well as a long trade embargo against South Africa. A series of popular revolts and protests led to the banning of opposition and the arrest of anti-apartheid leaders. As the disorder spread and became more violent, state organizations responded with increased repression and violence.
Reforms in the regime during the 1980s failed to contain growing opposition, and in 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, which culminated in multi-racial and democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.