Respuesta :
1. Alignment
2. Anchor
3. Artistic effects
4. Bulleted list
5. Bullets
6. Blog
7. Blog service
8. Bot
9. Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humand Apart (CAPTCHA)
10. Center alignment
11. Dot leader
12. Field
13. Floating object
14. Formatting marks
15. Graphics
1. The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is called Alignment.
2. The symbol that indicates to which paragraph an object is attached is referred to as Anchor.
3. Formats applied to images that make pictures resemble sketches or paintings; Artistic effects
4. Bulleted list - A list of items with each item introduced by a symbol such as a small circle or check mark, which is useful when the items on the list can be displayed in any order.
5. Bullets - Text symbols such as small circles or check marks that precede each item in a bulleted list.
6. Blog - A Web log to express your opinions, show pictures and videos, keep an ongoing diary, or post links to sites you find interesting
7. Blog service - Web site that provides space to which you can post your blogs.
8. Bot - Program that can run automated tasks over the internet typically at a higher rate than would be possible for a human alone.
9. Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humand Apart (CAPTCHA) - A program that protects web sites against bots by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot.
10. Center alignment - The alignment of text or objects that is centered horizontally between the left and right margin.
11. Dot leader - A series of dots preceding a tab that guides the eye across the line.
12. Field - A placeholder that displays preset content, such as the current date, the file name, a page number, or other stored information.
13. Floating object - A graphic that can be moved independently of the surrounding text characters
14. Formatting marks - Characters that display on the screen, but do not print, indicating where the Enter key, the Space-bar, and the Tab key were pressed; also called non-printing characters.
15. Graphics - Pictures, clip art images, charts, or drawing objects