Respuesta :
Answer: 30 rights
Explanation: Hi, the universal declaration of human rights guarantees citizens of all countries the right to:
- Equality.
- Freedom from discrimination.
- Life, liberty and personal security.
- Freedom from slavery.
- Freedom from torture.
- Recognition as a person before the law.
- Equality before the law.
- Remedy by competent tribunal.
- Freedom from arbitrary arrest.
- Fair public hearing.
- Be considered innocent until proven guilty.
- Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence.
- Free movement in and out of the country.
- Asylum in other country.
- Nationality and the freedom to change it.
- Marriage and family.
- Own property
- Freedom of belief and religion.
- Freedom of opinion.
- Peaceful assembly ans association
- Participate in Government and in free elections.
- Social security.
- Desirable work.
- Rest and leisure.
- Adequate living standard.
- Education.
- Culture.
- Social order.
- Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development
- Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights
Live peacefully without the threat of wartime abuses.