
12. The Kansas-Nebraska Act nullified the Missouri Compromise byA. allowing slavery's spread to areas that had been free for more than 30 yearsB. abolishing slavery in slave states.C. lowing slavery in all states.D. ending slavery in agreed-upon slave territories.

12 The KansasNebraska Act nullified the Missouri Compromise byA allowing slaverys spread to areas that had been free for more than 30 yearsB abolishing slavery class=

Respuesta :

D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act states that slaves were only allowed in the states below a certain point. And that the number of slave states and free states must remain equal.

Correct answer:  A. Allowing slavery's spread to areas that had been free for more than 30 years.


The Kansas-Nebraska Act enacted by Congress in 1854. It granted popular sovereignty to the people in the Kansas and Nebraska territories, letting them decide whether they'd allow slavery.  In essence, this made the Kansas-Nebraska act a repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had said there would be no slavery north of latitude 36°30´ except for Missouri.

After the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers rushed into Kansas to try to sway the outcome of the issue, and violence between the two sides occurred.  The term "bleeding Kansas" was used because of the bloodshed.  Kansas and Nebraska ended up as free states, but the Kansas-Nebraska act had allowed the possibility that slavery could become slave states.