What does the mutual reward theory state?
A. Family values are more important than ethnic differences.
B. When something becomes annoying, it has passed the point of no return.
C. Rewarding poor work doesn't serve the common good.
D. Relationships are strengthened when the persons involved help or reinforce one another

Respuesta :

D. relationships are strengthened when the person's involved hell or reinforce one another

The Answer is "D"

Further Explanation

Tolerance is to hold back, be patient, let people have different opinions and be openhearted towards people who have different opinions. Mutual respect will manifest when someone is treated with dignity and respect by others. This respect itself will be given to someone when we feel amazed at someone's personality or hard work. Usually, they are people who have the qualities and abilities that they bring to our work environment. So, indirectly the people around him make the individual a respected role model.

In order to realize and strengthen appreciation for others, someone must

also understand the reasons for the importance of respecting others. The more someone understands the reason must be

respect for others, the better and greater the appreciation for others.

The following are the reasons for the importance of respecting others.

  • The first thing that must be understood as a reason to respect others is that all humans born on this earth are worthy and deserve respect. Humans are God's creatures. If other God's creations are valued, let alone human beings who are more valuable than all other creations in existence. Human prices cannot be measured. If anyone measures it with money, it is action  who is wrong and immoral.
  • The second reason must respect others because all are equal and have the same position before God and the law. Everyone should not boast about thinking of themselves as more valuable and more important than others.

Learn more

the mutual reward theory state https://brainly.com/question/1275526


Grade:  High School

Subject:  World Language

keywords:  the mutual reward theory.