Respuesta :
1) majority opinion, which states the decision of the majority of the Court, usually at least five of the justices. Almost every case has a majority opinion. It expresses the reasons the court is deciding the case the way it is.
2) concurring opinion, which is the opinion of one or more justices who voted with the majority, but for differing legal reasons.
(ex. the flag burning cases. One of the Justices agreed with the majority, but had a separate opinion: "the conduct was disgusting, but protected.")
3) dissenting opinion, this is the kind of opinion when the justice writing it disagrees with the result of the majority opinion.
The supreme court may impose the following opinions in a case:
1) A majority opinion expresses the conclusion of the Court's plurality, which is normally at least five judges. A majority view exists in almost every case. It explains why the court is making its decision the way it is.
2) A concurrence opinion is an opinion expressed by one or more members who voted with the decision but for legal grounds that differ from the majority's.
3) Dissenting judgment: When a member disagrees with the majority judgment's conclusion, he or she writes a dissenting opinion.
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