
analyse the causes and origins of the employment dependency syndrome in zimbabwe​

Respuesta :

Employment syndrome refers to the mentality that one will always have to

work for another person to earn a living.  causes:  Zimbabwe has one of the most unequal societies in the world. Less than 5%

of the population monopolise 70% of the nation's income. 76% of the population

is on or below the poverty line. There is more than 60% unemployment.

The Economic Structural Adjustment Programme was started in Zimbabwe in

1990. In 1991 - 1992 on of the worst droughts occurred in Zimbabwe. This was a

major disaster because 70% of the population was living in the rural areas and

was dependent on agriculture. Due to the drought a large number of people

migrated to the urban areas in search of employment.

Another drought occurred in 1995 - 1996 which worsened the economic

situation.  Unemployment increased due to retrenchments and business closures. By 2001

nearly 6000 jobs were lost in different sectors of the economy. Unemployment

increased further in 2002 because the government could not create opportunities

to stimulate industrial expansion.  reasons for unemployment:

1. Sluggish investment and growth

2. The investment or business environment is unfriendly.

3. Weak export performance.

4. Population growth rate and age structure.

5. Poor macroeconomic policy.

6. The reliance on primary products is suboptimal.

7. Tertiary education.  [[[ALL INFORMATION HELP FROM THE USER @chirpy ON BRAINLY]]]