Match mountain range with its formation.

Himalayas - two continents colliding.
Andes - Near a subduction zone.
Grand Tetons - Plates spreading.
Aleutian – two ocean plates colliding.
Himalayas Mountain is a mountain that is located in Asia separating the Indians from the Tibetan plateaus. It was formed by two oceans colliding. (Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate)
Andes Mountain is the longest continental mountain in the world. It can be found in the South American western side. The Andes Mountain was formed by the subduction of the oceanic plate under the continental plate.
Grand Tetons Mountain is a rocky mountain that is located in North America. Grand Tetons Mountain was as a result of plates spreading in the region.
The Aleutian Islands is an island where some of the islands belong to the Russian and another part belongs to the American. In the Aleutian Islands, one plate subducts beneath another plate.