Respuesta :
A Mostly of what you see is marked by two sets of double yellow lines, with each set having a broken line on the inside, and a solid line on the outside.
The above sentence is a statement about road markings
Further explanation
Road markings are markers that are on the face of the road or on the road surface which include equipment or signs that form a long line, transverse lines, slashes, and other symbols that serve to direct the flow of traffic and limit areas of interest in traffic.
There are 5 types of markers, namely:
- Transverse Sign
- Longitudinal Sign
- Diagonal Marker
- Symbol Sign
- Other Markers
Road markings besides white are also yellow.
There are two types of transverse markers, namely:
- Solid crossing sign, as a sign to stop the vehicle against the sign (police information notification tool).
- For example, the line crossing in front of a red light.
- The Crossing Lines are marked because the stop time limit provides an opportunity to prioritize other vehicles specified by the sign.
Longitudinal markers function as:
- Directing traffic
- Warn other markers in front
- Separate lane
Learn More
Road markings
type of road markings
Class: middle school
Subject: Advanced Placements (AP)
Keywords: road markings, yellow lines