Nora works as a media sales person for a sports gear manufacturing company. There is an upcoming sports event coming up and she is thinking of advertising the company at the event. However, she is getting a cheaper deal to advertise at another location that has nothing to do with sports. Nora decides to go with advertising at the sports event for better visibility.

Nora is engaging in [Blank]
advertising strategy.

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Identifying the target audience


The targeted audience are very important in any business,any business will try as much as possible to reach the largest number of people to purchase their products.

To what extent will people who are more aware of a brand be more likely to purchase it? Exposure and awareness can be measured whereas the sales and profit impact of advertising is very difficult to measure. Attitude change measurement is difficult but feasible.

From this Nora will be exposed to a bigger market when decided to go with advertising at the sporting event.


Targeting endemic advertisers


Endemic advertising refers to the placement of ads to match their surroundings. For example, placing an ad for lipstick on a beauty blog will gain the product more attention than it would receive if placed on a site that talks about sports.