Why has the Minoan civilization been identified as a melting pot of cultures by archaeologists?
a. Archaeologists have found skeletons suggesting that people from Africa, Asia, and Europe formed a unique Cretan culture.
b. The trade routes brought different cultures together so often that cultural definitions must have been blurred.
c. Archaeologists have been unable to determine a definite culture due to confusion caused by the archaeological evidence found.
On the Greek Isle of Crete
As early as 2600 BCE, the Minoans built enormous, elaborate palaces on the Mediterranean island of Crete, some with as many as 1,500 rooms. The palaces had highly advanced art forms and water circulation systems, the likes of which would not be seen again for a thousand years. Though the Minoan civilization faded in 1100 BCE, it left a legacy of an advanced style of life that has fascinated archaeologists and intrigued tourists for many years.
Clues to the ancient Minoan civilization began to emerge in the twentieth century through archaeological discoveries. This civilization, which lasted over 1,500 years (from 2600 BCE to 1100 BCE), was located on an island along major trade routes and became a melting pot of cultures. Archaeologists have found skeletons suggesting that people from Africa, Asia, and Europe came together to produce a unique Cretan culture.
The rich history of the island, however, does not rest on archaeological evidence alone. Greek mythology lends an air of mystery to Crete's rich history. Legend has it that Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods, was born on Crete. Zeus fathered a son named Minos, who supposedly became a wise and fair lawgiver. Minos was crowned king of the island, and early Cretan civilization came to be called Minoan in his name.
The Minoan kings lived in magnificent palaces built of stone and brick. These palaces were over 22,000 square meters in area. Their walls were often decorated with frescoes, which are paintings made on wet plaster. These colorful paintings depicted beautiful landscapes that included birds, monkeys, cats, and deer. Scenes from celebrations and contests were also painted to praise the royal family.
Huge entrance halls and broad staircases welcomed visitors into these impressive residences. Several large rooms were built for banquets and religious ceremonies. Spacious, open courtyards and beautiful walkways were located in the center of the palace for the enjoyment of the royal family. These multilevel living quarters even had bathrooms and lighted walkways. The palaces also contained workrooms, burial crypts, and complex systems for delivering fresh water.
Not only were the homes elaborately designed, but they also contained a variety of art forms. The Minoan culture is well-known for the development of several styles of pottery. The "marine style" uses images of sea life, such as starfish, octopuses, and seaweed, to decorate the clay creations. A style of pottery that uses plant and flower forms to adorn the work is called "floral style." The "decorative style" of pottery uses spirals and complicated geometric twists to create patterns. Finally, the "palace style" of pottery is noted for its decorations, which are arranged in bands around the piece.
The Minoan culture began to decline when the Dorian people from the mountainous north settled in Crete starting in 1100 BCE. They brought with them iron armaments and tools, as well as new religious practices. Because Crete was an island on a trade route, it became a major target for invasion. Over the centuries, Crete was conquered by various countries and empires, including Rome in 67 BCE. Finally, in 1913, Crete became a part of Greece, and it remains so today.
Tourists now visit Crete to enjoy the island's coastal beauty along the deep, blue Mediterranean Sea. They visit the ruins of the ancient palaces to learn about the many people who once inhabited Crete. And perhaps as they stroll among the ruins, visitors can imagine the ancient kings and queens who once lived there in royal luxury