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Topic Sentence

Patriots justified their separation from Great Britain through rebelling against and later declaring their independence.

Introducing Evidence

The Patriots felt that Great British were mistreating them and violating human rights. For example;there was grabbing of lands and occupation of the areas that were formerly French territory such as east of the Mississippi River.


The Proclamation of 1763 is a clear indication that the colonists were being prevented from moving to areas that were formerly under French territories and owning those lands. In addition to that , King George 111 violated the rights of citizens thus their was need for a rebellion to overturn the government.


The tension towards war of the 13 colonies and Great Britain escalated between 1740 to 1770.The was a dictatorship type of ruling which saw increased taxation. The patriots efforts to change the Great Britain’s policy of ruling failed even with application of common interventions such as peace measures.The remaining option was war.According to Great Britain, the wagging war was not justified because; the taxes paid were low and England was the mother country.


The Declaration of independence Indicates the grievances and reasons against Great Britain stating clearly the causes to claim separation  and reasons to fight to become the United States of America. Acts such as Stamp Act and Townshend Act were put in place to collect taxes and not regulating trade as described in the letter from farmers to Pennsylvania that collecting revenue was an act of abusing Patriot’s rights as Englishmen. The British had power to make laws that put colonists under their complete rule thus war was the only option at that time to fight for freedom. In the Declaration of independence , it is stated that the king of Great Britain repeatedly caused injuries to patriots.This indicated that he was a cruel king, thus war against the Great Britain justified their actions.