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Talk with your family and friends and try to look at the positive part of the life because there is a lot to do in life
There are certain things that one can do to help themselves cope with depression, and it doesn't all have to center through having a therapist.
1. First thing's first: Let it out
- I know from 1st hand experience that talking to people about stuff like this can be incredibly hard, and can be something that one never plans to do, but believe me when I say that channeling out everything that is on your mind helps. It doesn't have to be to a therapist, there's always someone there to listen, whether it's a friend, a family member, or maybe people on the internet.
There are many websites and hotlines specifically made to help people with depression. Remember that people who want to listen are out there, you just have to choose.
You can also talk to a counselor at school.
2. Find something that makes you happy.
- with depression, people tend to lose their hobbies. Things that used to seem so fun and entertaining, are all of a sudden something you don't really feel like doing much anymore. It's important to find things that keep you happy and entertained. Some things you can do are:
•Watch TV shows
• Take walks
• Join a club/program at school or in the community
• Hang out with friends ( And I'm talking about actual friends, not people that you don't really like being with. Find people that you love to be around and that live you back)
Also focus on the small things that make you feel good. Things you can do right now, such as, getting up and dancing to your favorite songs, making a small snack, drawing, etc.
*****pets can also be a really good coping mechanism, so if you don't have a pet already, try and get one****,
3. Have a strong support group
- these are people that will be willing to cry with you. People that are with you through thick and thin. A way to spot this group is by thinking about the people in your life that are not only willing to sit down and listen to your problems, but also willing to try and fix them.
4. Find things about yourself that you like
- hating yourself sucks, really bad. It's as if you are stuck with this thing that you hate and don't like. One feels helpless and horrible. but there has to be a thing about you that you can at least "tolerate".
Random things that are inside and/or outside, like:
•Your eyes/eyelashes/eyebrows
•Your height
•Your kindness
•Your sense of humor
•Your intelligence
•Your face structure
Sooner or later, these small things about yourself that you like will grow, and you'll find even more small things about you that weren't so bad after all.
Maybe you've already heard or read these things somewhere, but I sincerely hope they help you. I caught depression at around 12 years old, almost 3 years later and I'm still working on it, but it's really been better than before.
I know I'm a complete stranger to you, but please know that I care, and if I care, that means that so many others do too.
Btw, please don't hurt yourself. Be careful, and don't do things like cutting, or other forms of hurting yourself. These things really do turn into habits. And if you already have started, really put your best efforts into stopping.