
1. Which sentence best describes the Louvre?
It is in Italy.
It is the largest museum in the world.
It is a very famous painting.
He is a very famous artist

A tourist watches a work of art in the Louvre. He noticed an American work. What is he looking at?

The glass pyramid built by an American.
The old castle, built by an American.
The Mona Lisa, painted by an American.
The subject of inspiration of The Mona Lisa, American woman.

Indicate whether the sentence is true or false.

The Louvre Museum was built in 1692.


4.Choose the appropriate answers.

Why did architect Pei build the pyramid?

To make a new entrance to the museum.
To commemorate the anniversary of the French Revolution.
There are too many works of art and the castle is very small.
The president wanted to show the talents of a French architect.

5.Choose the only answer possible.

A tourist wants to see The Mona Lisa, but he does not want to go to the Louvre Museum on the first Sunday of the month. Why?

The Mona Lisa is no longer at the Louvre Museum.
You have to pay the full fare on the first Sunday of the month.
The museum is closed on Sundays.
He does not like the crowd.


Respuesta :


1. Which sentence best describes the Louvre?

It is the largest museum in the world.


A tourist watches a work of art in the Louvre. He noticed an American work. What is he looking at?

The glass pyramid built by an American.


Indicate whether the sentence is true or false.

The Louvre Museum was built in 1692.


5.Choose the only answer possible.

A tourist wants to see The Mona Lisa, but he does not want to go to the Louvre Museum on the first Sunday of the month. Why?

He does not like the crowd





1- It is the largest museum in the world.


2- The glass pyramid built by an American.


3- The Louvre Museum was built in 1962 ► FALSE

The Louvre  opened as a museum in 1793, but it was before a royal palace. Its constuction began in th 12th century : it was a fortress..


4- To make a new entrance to the museum was the main reason but in the same time it was opened to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of French Revolution


5- He doesn'like the crowd.

closing day = Tuesday

fare = same every day

the Mona Lisa is always in the Louvre


hope this helps ☺☺☺