
Select the correct text in the passage.
Read the excerpt from John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government. Which part of the text contains Locke’s idea of the natural rights of people?
Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom and an uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of Nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by nature a power not only to preserve his property— that is, his life, liberty, and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men, but to judge of and punish the breaches of that law in others, as he is persuaded the offence deserves, even with death itself, in crimes where the heinousness of the fact, in his opinion, requires it. But because no political society can be, nor subsist, without having in itself the power to preserve the property, and in order thereunto punish the offences of all those of that society, there, and there only, is political society where every one of the members hath quitted this natural power, resigned it up into the hands of the community in all cases that exclude him not from appealing for protection to the law established by it.

Respuesta :

This portion of the text emphasizes the natural rights of people:

  • Man being born ...  with a title to perfect freedom and an uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of Nature ...  hath by nature a power not only to preserve his property— that is, his life, liberty, and estate, against the injuries and attempts of other men


Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke believed that using reason will guide us to the best ways to operate in order to create the most beneficial conditions for society.  For Locke, this included a conviction that all human beings have certain natural rights which are to be protected and preserved.    Locke's ideal was one that promoted individual freedom and equal rights and opportunity for all.  Each individual's well-being (life, health, liberty, possessions) should be served by the way government and society are arranged.  

Here's another excerpt section from Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government (1690), in which he expresses the ideas of natural rights:

  • The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions… (and) when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another.


his life, liberty, and estate
