The correct answer is C. The Major League Baseball is a monopoly, since it controls all the baseball market in North America; strawberry vendors compete in a perfect competition system, since no vendor has more benefits than others, but only those that the market gives to them; the movie industry is an oligopoly, as only a few big companies control the business; and the restaurant industry falls within a monopolistic competition, since there are many vendors that try to keep the market, but none of them controls it efficiently.
1- A monopoly is a situation in which a product or service is only offered by a single market party. The price is then not determined by market forces, but determined by the only supplier, who can then make a lot of profit, or by the government.
2- Perfect competition is an economic concept for some special market conditions where no player can influence the price of a product alone on the market.
3- An oligopoly is a market form that occurs in the market when there are only a few sellers. Oligopoly markets are sometimes characterized by high product differentiation. If the few sellers agree on prices, it is called a cartel.
4- Monopolistic competition arises when the market is very heterogeneous, that is, customers have a variety of products, with a distinct identity to choose from within the same industry. A common example is clothing.