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The flaws are intrinsic to the human behavior and morality of the time. Business ethics, home ethics and global ethics depend on the beliefs and behavior of the community and at the same time, it also depends on the historical moment where they are considered an the needs of the moment.
Aristotelian teachings, nevertheless, have proven to be timeless – what is good or bad for a society, regardless the place or the time- will always be consider “desirable means of behavior”, but they adapt to the morality of the time; social and legal regulations as well as economic interests and needs influence the morality, therefore become "relative" somehow.
Indeed, ethical relativism as a theory, holds that "there is no absolute universal rule in the moral rectitude of society". Consequently, it is argued that the ethical performance of an individual depends or is relative to the society to which it belongs.
Ethics is considered a philosophical discipline that studies good and evil and its relationships with moral and human behavior. "Aristotle is consider the father of ethics. On the other hand, ethical relativism is the theory that holds that there is no absolute universal rule in the moral rectitude of a society. Accordingly, it is maintained that the ethical performance of an individual depends, or it is relative to the society to which it belongs, but at the end, always good ethical values always prevails and emerge, when the inestability that cause epistemological doubts are succeded.
Morality, often confused with "ethics", is a set of customs and norms that are considered good for directing or judging the behavior of people in a community, in a given specific time.
While ethics is considered universal, morality is temporary and in terms of ethical relativism, it depends on the place and customs of society where moral rules are applied. Therefore, the main flaw of relativism ethics theory is that does not take in consideration the natural variations of morality, and present ethics as an endless road of “changes and discrepancies” when thay actually, never change. Though, love, goodness, honorability (to mention some) will always be consider “desirable characteristics or ethical principles, no matter the time or the society".
This argument is presented by Aristotle by the principle of non-contradiction, according to which it is impossible for the same characteristic to belong and not belong to the same object in the same way and at the same time.
if correct and good, don´t forget to give me a brainliest! :)