Type the words that have double consonants.

absence- the state of being missing or not attending
accommodate- to make fit or suitable; to hold without crowding or inconvenience
acquire- to gain possession of; to get by one's own efforts
aggressive- tending toward combativeness; marked by driving, forceful energy
anxious- uneasy of mind
apparent- open to view, visible, clear to the understanding
argument- a discussion in which disagreement takes place
athlete- one who takes part in competitive sports
believe- to have a firm religious faith; to accept as true
business- the work or occupation in which someone is occupied
familiar- one who is well acquainted with something or someone
finally- ocurring at the end or conclusion; at last
foreign- situated outside a place or country
fulfill- to bring into actuality
grammar- the study of words, their functions and relations in a sentence
independent- not dependent or under the control of others
intelligence- the skilled use of reason; having a high mental capacity
personally- as far as oneself is concerned
primitive- belonging to an early state of development; little evolved
procedure- way of performing or effecting something
proceed- to continue on, especially after an interruption
receive- to acquire
repetition- the act or process of repeating