Examine the following sentence carefully. Some nouns in the sentence have been underlined and identified by number. Decide whether the plural of each word is formed correctly. If you find an error, identify the word with the error by selecting its number from the list of choices. There may be more than one error. If there is no error, select that answer. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Several 1storys denied that Bam 2toys are made of toxic 3plastics.

no errors

Respuesta :


1. "storys" should be "stories"


That is the incorrect spelling for the plural word "stories."



3- plastic


1. The plural of the noun story is stories. This is due to an English rule: the words ending in y carry an ies plural. The y turns into i and an e is placed between the i and the s.

3- Plastic is uncountable, which means that it cannot be pluralised with an s but with a partitive: we can say a piece of plastic or two pieces of plastic. What gets pluralised is the partitive  but not the uncountable word plastic.