Belinda is a 10-year-old elementary school student who has come in for a physical examination. She is 55 inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. Her doctor calculates her BMI at 27.9 (98th percentile for her age). Concerned about her obesity, Belinda's doctor asks about her diet and her physical activity. Her mother reports that Belinda has become "lazy" and does not like to play outside with her friends after school. She says she is more irritable than usual and complains about helping with household chores. Her mother worries that she may be depressed, although she can think of no family issues that may be responsible for this behavior. Belinda sometimes skips breakfast or has cereal and toast in the morning; she takes chips, a juice drink, and a cheese sandwich made with white bread for lunch; and has a toaster pastry or cookies with milk for a snack after school. She doesn't particularly like meat and frequently asks for buttered pasta with cheese for dinner. Belinda says she eats vegetables "when my mom buys them." A blood test reveals a normal hemoglobin level, low serum iron, moderately elevated transferrin, and low transferrin saturation.