
In July of 1996, Osama bin Laden referred to Saudi Arabia as (5 points)

the real enemy

an American colony

a bastion of Communism

a Russian ally

Respuesta :

The answer is "an American Colony".

"The ordinary man knows that [Saudi Arabia] is the largest oil producer in the world, yet at the same time he is suffering from taxes and bad services. Now the people understand the speeches of the ulemas in the mosques--that our country has become an American colony. They act decisively with every action to kick the Americans out of Saudi Arabia. What happened in Riyadh and [Dhahran] when 24 Americans were killed in two bombings is clear evidence of the huge anger of Saudi people against America. The Saudis now know their real enemy is America." - Osama Bin Laden, July 10th, 1996