Josefina is obsessed with her weight. she sometimes eats a whole package of oreos at once and then makes herself vomit. josefina is of normal weight, but she constantly has heartburn. she most likely suffers from _____________.

Respuesta :

It sounds like Josefina has bulimia.


The answer is bulimia.


Bulimia refers to an eating disorder that is characterized by the existence of two problems, binge eating, and purging. Binge eating is when a person consumes a large amount of food in a short period, and purging is when the person tries to eliminate the food he or she consumed. This could be done through vomit or laxatives. People with this disorder also try to lose weight through the use of diuretics, stimulants or doing a lot of exercise.

Most of the people with this disorder have a normal weight. Bulimia is usually related to mental disorders like depression, anxiety, as well as problems concerning drugs and alcohol, and this disorder is more common in people who have a relative with bulimia.