Charlie.- Me encanta esta parte del día en que paramos a tomar el té y a comer facturas. Sophie.- Cierto Charlie. El mate es requetebueno y las facturas ni se diga. Adriana.- Me alegro que te guste. Toma de prisa porque vamos a dar un paseo en el tren de las nubes. Charlie.- ¡Me mareo de pensarlo!, ¡está tan alto! Sophie.- Qué emocionante, desde arriba quiero tomar unas fotos y mandárselas a mis padres. Adriana.- No hay problema, vamos los tres, antes de que se llene la estación ferroviaria. ¡Ves como hay tantos turistas acá en Salta! El 'Tren de las nubes' es... Subterráneo muy alto un tren hacia el espacio el más rápido del mundo

Respuesta :

Charlie.- I love this part of the day when we stop to have tea and eat bills. Sophie.- Right Charlie. The mate is good and the bills are not said. Adriana.- I'm glad you like it. Take a hurry because we're going for a ride on the train of clouds. Charlie.- I'm dizzy thinking! He's so tall! Sophie.- How exciting, from above I want to take some pictures and send them to my parents. Adriana.- No problem, come on three, before the railway station is full. See how many tourists are here in Salta! The 'Train of the clouds' is ... Subway very high a train into space the fastest in the world



El Tren de las nubes es muy alto.


The "Tren de las nubes" is a train that belongs to the province of Salta, in the north of Argentina, South America. It is famous for its height, which reaches more than 4200 meters over sea level. This equals more than 13800 ft. The train begins in the city of Salta and ends in the Puna of Atacama. It's used as a touristic train but some people may find it difficult to deal with because of its height. Humans who live on sea level can feel dizzy and sick when they travel to places that are so high in relation to the sea as the body is not used to it.